Minneapolis Moline Tractors.

The Minneapolis-Moline company was formed in 1929 when the Moline Implement Company, the Minneapolis Threshing Machine Company and the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company joined forces.

Until 1938 they continued producing the Twin City range of tractors which were formally built by the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company.

The first officially imported Minneapolis-Moline tractors into the United Kingdom arrived in time for the 1939 Royal Show.  The importers Sale Tilney & Co of Wokingham, Berkshire had introduced other MM products at the previous years Smithfield Show.

Sale Tilney continued importing Minneapolis-Moline tractors throughout the second World War during which period the power and work capability of the MM tractors made an important contribution to feeding the Nation.  

In 1946 shortly after hostilities ceased Sale Tilney and Minneapolis-Moline joined forces to form MM (England) Ltd.  Until that organisation went into receivership in 1949 they manufactured Minneapolis-Moline products which included:  Combine Harvesters, saw benches, winches and hammer mills.  Subsequently Sale Tilney continued to import U.S. built MM tractors until the early 1950's

Minneapolis-Moline continued to build tractors in America until they were acquired by the White Motor Company in 1963.  Tractors continued to be built under the Minneapolis-Moline name until 1974 when all production continued under the White brand name.  The White Tractor brand name disappeared when the White Motor Co. became part of the AGCO group in 1991.

Click the image to visit the Tractor and Machinery Web Site

Minneapolis-Moline Model UTS Tractor 1943
Minneapolis-Moline Model UDM Tractor 1948
Minneapolis-Moline Model UTS Tractor 1943 View 2
Minneapolis-Moline 4 Star Tractor
Minneapolis-Moline Model U Tractor Minneapolis-Moline Model G1050 Diesel Tractor
Minneapolis-Moline Model U Tractor Detail 1 Minneapolis-Moline Model G1050 Tractor View 2
Minneapolis-Moline Model U Tractor Detail 2 Minneapolis-Moline Model G1050 Tractor View 3
Minneapolis-Moline Model U Tractor Detail 3  

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Allis Chalmers  -  Austin
B.M.B. President  -  Case  -  David Brown
Ferguson  -  Field Marshall
Ford  -  Fordson 1917 to 1950
Fordson 1951 to 1964   -  Garden Tractors
Deutz, Hanomag & Lanz  -  Hart-Parr
International Part 1  -  International Part 2
International Titan 10-20
John Deere  -  Massey Ferguson
Massey Harris  -  Minneapolis Moline
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