International Harvester Titan 10-20 Tractors. The following is an extract from an International Harvester Company advertisment of 1917: "We Gurantee Mogul and Titan Tractors To Operate On Kerosene" In spite of the fact that for some years past Mogul and Titan tractors have operated successfully on kerosene in the hands of average farmers, we still find a vague doubt in the minds of many possible tractor dealers and buyers that any internal combustion tractor will operate successfully and continuously on kerosene. It is not difficult to find the source of this doubt. The issue is one upon which few people execpt trained engineers have any definite data. The average farmer, untrained in technical engineering thory or practice might easily be swayed from one side to another by the plausible talk of clever salesmen. We found it necessary to devise a simple, not to be misunderstood method of proving that Mogul and Titan tractors would operate successfully on kerosene in all ordinary circumstances. In order to remove the last shadow of doubt from the mind of any man who was wavering between buying a Mogul or Titan or a gasoline tractor, because he was not sure that our tractors would live up to the promises made for them, we incorporated in the waranty which goes to every purchaser of one of out tractors a definite gurantee that Mogul and Titan tractors would operate successfully on kerosene.